Paparazzi Tuscan Restaurant

Paparazzi Tuscan Restaurant

Upcoming Events
The Midtown Wedding: Married to the Menu in Dubai
299.00 AED
27 Apr–29 Jun

Who doesn't love a good Rom-com, or better yet, a Rom-Com Musical! Amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there's perhaps nothing more soothing than enjoying a delicious meal, sipping on some bubbly, and immersing ourselves in a heartwarming romantic comedy. Let's face it; we can't all lead perfectly scripted Hollywood love stories in our everyday reality. Welcome to 'The Midtown Wedding,' an immersive production where you're not just a spectator, but a part of the action. Indulge in a delectable menu crafted by our talented chef, featuring an array of mouthwatering dishes to enhance your experience. So, dress your best and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of movies and culinary delights.

Paparazzi Tuscan Restaurant
Paramount Hotel Midtown - Al Mustaqbal St - Business Bay - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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Paparazzi Tuscan Restaurant

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