Rock in Dubai

AEROQUEEN (Aerosmith & Queen) Legendary Hits at Zabeel Theatre
150.00 AED
Early bird tickets
Sun 26 May
KT Tunstall at Bla Bla - Live in Dubai
150.00 AED
Sat 26 Oct
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Upcoming Rock Concerts 2024

Rock concerts and music shows in Dubai are magnificent. They are exciting, uniting and incredibly engaging. 
Visitors lose their minds, sing, dance and enjoy to the fullest. There is nothing more energetic than rock music venues where live concerts are taking place.
Rock music events is powerful yet has catchy melodies, and involves various genres such as pop, punk, hard rock and a lot of others.
Feeling enthusiastic about upcoming rock concerts and festivals in Dubai in 2024? Find out the details, offers and prices for tickets on