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It has not the woman face - The Musical Play at Jafza - The One Convention Centre
Sun 07 May
Event ended

It has not the woman face - The Musical Play at Jafza - The One Convention Centre

Sun 07 May
Event ended
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Билеты можно приобрести за наличные, по картам Unionpay и Мир в офисе Platinumlist c 11:00 до 16:00 С понедельника по четверг по адресу Офис 413, 4 этаж The Greens, Emaar Business Park, Dubai

It has not the woman face - The Musical Play at Jafza - The One Convention Centre

Date & Time: 7th May 2023 at 8:00 pm (Doors open at 7:30 pm)

Age: 18+

Language: Russian

Seating: Based on First Come First Serve

Duration: 60 mins

«У нее не женское лицо», по роману С. Алексиевич. ( Посвящение 9 мая)
День памяти и радости, скорби и надежды. Музыкальный спектакль посвящен временам второй мировой войны.

“It has not the woman face”, S. Aleksievich (with English subtitles)
The day of memory and joy, sorrow and hope. The musical play is dedicated to the Second World War.


JAFZA One Convention Center
Jebel Ali, JAFZA One 1 - Mina Jebel Ali - Jebel Ali Freezone - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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JAFZA One Convention Center
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