Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity

About Zero Gravity, Dubai

Zero Gravity has a really attractive location close to Dubai Marina, Jumeirah Beach Residence and Dubai Media City. Thus it attracts a lot of visitors, especially at the weekend. World-famous celebrities have had their concerts and show at the venue.

Zero Gravity is a huge place that includes everything that any party-goer needs: a beach, a bar, a pool, a pub, a lounge and a restaurant. The venue offers a "day-to-night concept". Feel like visiting a vibrant Zero Gravity world today, tonight or at the weekend? Check the upcoming events here.


Zero Gravity
Zero Gravity Dubai - King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Street - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
View directions
Zero Gravity

How To Get There

Take buses 8, 84, F55A or Metro: M1 to get to Zero Gravity.

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