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السبت 17 نوفمبر
انتهت هذه الفعالية

Gulf Car Festival 2018

السبت 17 نوفمبر
انتهت هذه الفعالية
المزيد من المعلومات
Gulf Car Festival – The Biggest Outdoor Car-Show Event in Region:

The most anticipated and electrified Gulf Car Festival is back for its 4th year, Bigger & Bolder, boosted to welcome 1200+ Show Cars participation spread into 3 days festival of cars. The mega event is geared to present an unforgettable sensory experience for all fans attracting more than 10,000 visitors and participants across the festival.

GCF weekend is a definite headline amongst car enthusiasts, fans, families and kids. The festival will be featuring highly engaging live car-show displaying different categories of new and used cars ranging from Supercars, Muscle cars, Classics & Vintage, JDM & Tuners, 4x4 & Trucks.

Expect the Drift Action Arena to be on fire with professional Stunt Drifters and not to forget exclusive Monster Truck Pull Stunt by Guinness Record holder strongman. Gulf Car Festival 2018 is the most exciting outdoor car show to ever happen in the region!

Features & Activities:

•1200+ Show Cars [In 3 Days]
•Electrifying Rev-Battles [Caution: Louder than you can ever imagine]
•Stunt Drifting
•Burnout Competitions
•Exhibition Stands with Exclusive Offers
•Networking Lounge
•Cars & Bikes Parade
•Bikes Show & Stunts
•Competitions & Awards
•Car Themed Magic Show
•Live Entertainment
•Food Trucks and Assorted F&B
•Kids Section
•Free Entry for Kids Under 13 Years

Get to Meet:

•Social Media Stars
•Local Celebrities
•Guinness Record Holder - Popey Strongman


موقع الفعالية
Ride by the bay Dubai festival city
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عملية شراء آمنة
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الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
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