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الأحد 12 فبراير
انتهت هذه الفعالية

Apsaras - Divine Dancers in Dubai

انتهت هذه الفعالية

الفعاليات القادمة

الآراء والتقييمات (15)

المزيد من المعلومات
February 11, 2023

Padma Bhushan awardee
Smt.Alarmel Valli
Kavya Tharangini - Bharathanatyam recital

Internationally acclaimed Bharatanatyam dancer-choreographer and Padma Bhushan awardee, Alarmél Valli, presents Kavya Tarangini - a performance that celebrates dance as visual poetry and visual music. Exploring the link between word and movement, body and text, in this production, Alarmél Valli interprets diverse texts in dance, spanning the ages - in Sanskrit, Tamil, and Telugu.

It is a performance in which, Alarmel Valli shares her dance ideal where, ideally speaking, the viewer should be able to “see the music and hear the dance.”

February 12, 2023

Smt.Aditi Mangaldas with Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company
The Drishtikon Dance Foundation
Utsav - A Celebration of Life
Kathak Ensemble

Smt.Aditi Mangaldas and her Kathak Ensemble present Utsav - A Celebration of Life...a dynamic kathak production encompassing the various joys, hues, and emotions of Life.
Smt.Aditi Mangaldas is renowned globally for her Kathak performances - both classical and contemporary. Known for her brisk dynamic dancing coupled with a rich emotive component, her kathak performances are sold-out programs all over the world.

In this performance in Dubai, she is accompanied by 4 dancers and 3 musicians from her dance company.


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عملية شراء آمنة
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عملية شراء آمنة
عملية شراء آمنة
دفع سريع وآمن
تأكيد فوري
تأكيد فوري
خدمة ضمان استرجاع اختيارية
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
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خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
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