14 May, Sun
Event ended

Almost Maine

14 May, Sun
The Junction
Event ended

Reviews (32)

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"Almost, Maine" is a heartwarming and whimsical romantic comedy written by John Cariani and directed by Gautam Goenka.

Set in the remote fictional town of Almost in northern Maine, the play explores the complexities of love and relationships through a series of interconnected vignettes.

Each scene depicts a different encounter between the townspeople, capturing the joys, sorrows, hopes, and struggles of love in its various forms.

From a magical moment under the Northern Lights to a humorous mishap during a date, the play delves into the tender, funny, and sometimes bittersweet moments that define human connections.

"Almost, Maine" is a charming exploration of love's many facets, filled with wit, warmth, and unexpected surprises.


The Junction
Unit H72, Alserkal Avenue, 17 St. Corner 8 St - 1 17th St - القوز - دبي - United Arab Emirates
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The Junction
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