01 May, Thu
Doors open   11:00
Event ended

Mirror for the Soul

01 May, Thu
Doors open 11:00
Madinat Theatre
Event ended
More info
Welcome to the magical and mystical worlds of Theatre Alterum…
Performance "Mirror for the Soul"
A mystical and surreal journey through the nooks and crannies of your soul and subconscious…
You find yourself in the attic of an old and abandoned house where you were born and raised. An attic, filled with old pictures from your childhood, saturated in memories of long-gone days. You find a letter as well as uncover an old mirror and begin reminiscing about the past…
Memories begin to fill your mind, as the skeletons in your closet unravel. Your soul filled with mistakes from your past, pain of loss and guilt as well as the inability to turn back time. A mystical mirror turns you inside out and suddenly you feel like you are falling into a pitch black hole with no return.
"Mirror of the Soul" is a surreal meditation on spiritual searching throughout life, and perhaps a chance to look inside yourself. We live, fall in love and suffer consequences of our actions, but the main goal of life is happiness. We achieve greatness and suffer defeat; we care and bring pain to others, sometimes unknowingly and unintentionally. This performance is about the sacrifices that you made, the loss that you uncovered, and the realization of the importance of the things that you take for granted.
All of us live in the light of day and the darkness of the night, in the black and white stripes of the world, however in reality, the world around is intricate and vibrant.
The world around is not dull or colorless, it is more complicated than anything you have ever seen. Light cannot exist without darkness, and even the darkest parts of your soul are capable of escaping into the light. Sometimes black is white and white is black, depending on the way you perceive the world, and at times only looking through the "hidden window" in the secret garden can reveal the truth ...
The past cannot be changed, and in order to carry on, you need to understand, accept and recognize.


Madinat Theatre
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