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السبت 21 اكتوبر
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Masood Boomgaard “African Indian”

السبت 21 اكتوبر
انتهت هذه الفعالية

الفعاليات القادمة

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Masood Boomgaard is the “African Indian”

South African stand-up comedian Masood Boomgaard is heading to the Middle East! The Durban funny man, who recently completed a tour of Australia, will be hitting the stage at The Junction Dubai theatre on 21 October for two shows only. Boomgaard who is regarded one of the brightest stars in South African comedy will show off his unique and witty take on a range of topics from technology and sports to relationships, celebrities, parenting and everything else in between.

The show will explore the notions of the so called third and first worlds, making light of the latter and its trivial inconveniences, ranging from poor Wifi Signal to gluten, while also exploring misconceptions of the so-called third world. It is a comic exploration from the perspective of someone who has lived in both the developed and developing world and offers hilarious predictions of what we can expect from technology and human behaviour in the years to come.

Masood also uses the show as an opportunity to talk about his childhood growing up in the eighties and nineties and reminisces about the “good old days” of VHS cassettes, Nintendo cartridges and dial up internet.

“African Indian” has something for everyone and officers a combination of rapid fire one liners and more elaborate story-styled jokes. Boomgaard is celebrating his tenth year in comedy this year.
“It’s a milestone for me and I plan to give Dubai the very best of me. I’m going to make sure these shows are as memorable for the audience as they’re going to be for me.”

African Indian takes place on 21 October 2017 at 4:30pm and 7:30pm at the Junction Dubai. Tickets are AED 120 and are available from


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مسرح ذا جنكشن
Unit H72, Alserkal Avenue, 17 St. Corner 8 St - 1 17th St - القوز - دبي - United Arab Emirates
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