Mosaico, Palazzo Versace

Mosaico, Palazzo Versace

Upcoming Events
Palazzo Versace High Tea
360.00 AED
01 Dec–31 May

The best ‘pick-me-up’ for those planning an indulgent gathering of family and friends in the comfort of their home, our high tea takeaway menu features an assortment of finger sandwiches, fruit, and plain scones served with homemade jam, clotted cream, and lemon curd, a variety of pastries and a choice of teas. Place your order a day in advance, collect it the next day, and pick your favorite spot at home to enjoy a wonderful selection of sweet and savory treats.

Mosaico, Palazzo Versace
Al Jaddaf - Jaddaf Waterfront - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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Mosaico, Palazzo Versace

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