Eden Beach Club


From sunrise to sunset, escape the city to EDEN Beach Club and disconnect from the outside world. Relax on a sun bed or in your own cabana beside the crystal blue waters of the pool. Swim up for a refreshing cocktail at the pool bar. Take out a paddleboard and observe the shoreline from the sea, or enjoy an early morning yoga class.


As day turns to night, EDEN Beach Club transitions into an evening destination that sets a unique standard for entertainment, dining and music. Begin your night as the sun sets, with a sundown cocktail at the beach bar and then move towards the lounge or restaurant for dinner and performances by some of the world’s most celebrated artists and acts.


Experience a fresh fusion of culinary flavors at EDEN Beach Club. Whether at the beach bar, pool bar or restaurant and lounge, the selection of gastronomic delights will satisfy every taste, ranging from international specialties to an extensive selection from the raw bar.

Eden Beach Club
Rixos hotel, East Crescent, The Palm Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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Eden Beach Club

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