Kaleidoscope, Atlantis The Palm

Kaleidoscope, Atlantis The Palm

Upcoming Events
Kaleidoscope Dinner Buffet at Atlantis the Palm
117.50 AED
02 May–18 Jul

At Kaleidoscope restaurant, you can embark on a gastronomic journey like no other! The buffet features an extensive range of dishes from around the world, each one crafted to perfection and bursting with unique flavours that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for comforting Chinese dim sum, authentic Indian curries, delightful Italian pasta, or exquisite French pastries, Kaleidoscope has it all. With such a diverse offering, there's something for everyone at this restaurant.


Kaleidoscope, Atlantis The Palm
Atlantis - Frond D - The Palm Jumeirah - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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Kaleidoscope, Atlantis The Palm

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