Cave oozes cool; a trendy wine bar hidden on the mezzanine level of Conrad Dubai. Enter the modern stone cave and you’re taken on a winding path of hidden pods and places: choose from the tasting room, the cosy day beds or hide in one of the fireside lounges. The scene is chilled and friendly; Cave’s ‘wine guy’ creating a menu of top drops from the old world and new, alongside innovative cocktails and a selection of modern Parisian soul food.

Opening Times:

Sunday - Wednesday
Lunch & Dinner   12.00pm - 1.00am

Thursday & Friday
Lunch & Dinner    12.00pm - 2.00am


Recovery Saturday & Dinner    11.00am - 1.00am

Kitchen opens from 12pm to 12am every day

Menu: A La Carte 
Check out Cave's New Menu!

For reservations call +971 4 444 7448 

Recovery Saturdays:
Every Saturday 11.00am - 5.00pm
Based on Consumption

Mezzanine 2, Conrad Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road
View directions

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