
The vision for BoutiQ is simple: To create a cutting-edge multi-faceted entertainment venue utilizing the latest in technology and providing an above industry standard in service, design, and experience. In other words, taking the lounge/nightclub concept in Dubai to a new level of excellence and sophistication. To achieve this goal, a dynamic, experienced and multi-talented group of partners have pooled their experience and vision, creating Boutiq Ultra Lounge.

Boutiq provides guests with an unrivaled experience, incorporating the latest in custom-fabricated design elements and furniture in a unique venue that will undoubtedly stand the test of time. Additionally, advances in Customer Relations Management technology, currently only featured in Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas and Miami, capture all aspects of an BoutiQ’s guest’s experience and ensures that future visits are tailored precisely to his/her individual tastes and expectations. Topped off with the latest in sound and lighting technology and the result is an environment that stimulates and defies the senses.

The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall
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