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Combo: Dubai Safari Park + Dubai Crocodile Park
130.00 AED
Tue 16 Jan

Explore over 2,000 fascinating animals, including majestic lions, towering giraffes, and swift cheetahs, at the distinctive Dubai Safari Park. Immerse yourself in the wonders of this park, where diverse wildlife thrives in carefully curated habitats. For a truly remarkable experience, venture into the Dubai Crocodile Park, home to a vibrant community of 250 Nile Crocodiles. This destination promises enjoyment for the entire family, offering attractions like a captivating Natural History Museum, an aquarium with an African lake theme, and a beautifully landscaped area inspired by the savanna. Additionally, discover a delightful curio shop and a variety of dining options within the park. Experience the best of both worlds at Dubai Safari Park and Dubai Crocodile Park, where nature, education, and entertainment seamlessly come together.


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